I just have to tell everyone I get so confused every time I do this so it is backwards. Hopefully I won't write what we did backwards! This is a turtle that we saw while on a submarine tour. We had a blast. I will show you a few pictures. I go a little confused while posting them.
This is the sub going back under after we got off.
Before we got to the sub, in the distance was a whale watching tour and they had spotted a whale and we could see it blowing water. It was really cool.
My lovely Mom waiting to go on the submarine.
Zac, Staci and me hanging out before we had to leave on the sub tour.
In the submarine after you go so far under water you can't see red. I think this is why the pictures under the water turned out a funny blue. Zac had on a red shirt and it was a deep purple under water. Jacie and I having fun looking at all the fish.
I don't know if you can see them but there are two sharks uner this airplane wing. Yes I did say airplane wing, they also have sunkin two ship for reefs. They have purposely put these there for the fish.
Here we were at the Pineapple Plantation and these two hawaiians were making braceletts out of tea leaves for everyone.
This is a pineapple plant. How many of you knew that pineapples grew like this? Well you can twist the top of your pineapple soak it in some water till the roots start growing then plant it. But for all you in cold climates you will need to keep them indoors. It takes between 18 months to two years to grow one pineapple. Happy planting.
It was a little cold and wet while at the plantation.
A flower from the gardens.
Kaydens birthday. He turned 8 I can't beleive he is 8!
These lei are from his baptism.
His guitar that he got for his birthday.